Ashford Choral Society

Officers of the Society

President – The Mayor of Ashford

Vice President – Rt. Hon. Damian Green MP

Chairman – Mr. Dominic Urand

Secretary – Virginia Brown

Treasurer – Mr. Tim Whorlow

Conductor – Matthew Raisbeck

Deputy Conductor and Accompanist – Tim Woodhead

Conductor Emeritus – Dr. Mark Deller

The formal objects of the Society are to promote, improve, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of the art and science of music in all its aspects by the presentation of public concerts and recitals.

The Society rehearses weekly and performs three or four public concerts in the year for the ticket-buying public. These tickets are heavily subsidised by the members through the membership subscription, through donations and through other self-help fundraising activities. A number of complimentary tickets have been offered to local schools.

One of the concerts each year is a ‘Carol Concert’ at which a retiring collection is made for charities. In addition a number of members spend several evenings carol-singing ‘round the houses’, the proceeds of which also go to charities. Each year, following consultation, the committee ensures that one national charity and one local charity benefit from these activities. See here for details of the amounts raised.

Members of the Society periodically make themselves available to sing as a choir at weddings and funerals.

In pursuit of these objects the Society is proud of its contribution to the cultural life of Ashford and the surrounding area.

Reg. Charity No. 1041943